As Amended December 6, 2021


The name of this association shall be "North Dakota Township Officers Association".


The objectives of this association shall be:

  1. To provide a means whereby the interests of townships, as such, can be represented before various governmental boards and agencies such as the Board of County Commissioners, the State Legislature, the U.S. Department of Agriculture, and other State, County, and Federal agencies, and departments.
  2. Coordinate and provide a means for joint action between townships covering matter which involves two or more townships.
  3. To promote the best interest of the townships and of persons residing within the townships.


The membership of this association shall consist of Township Officers of the State of North Dakota for the townships which have paid the membership dues hereinafter provided for. The association shall meet annually in December. The Board of Directors shall have the power to allow attendance by electronic means. The Quorum for said meeting shall be the number of members present at that time. If a county township association has not designated two members to represent and vote on behalf of the county association, then and in that event those members present at the annual meeting shall meet with and caucus with other members from their same county of residence for the purpose of designating two (2) members to represent and vote on any issue presented at the annual meeting. Each county's caucus shall have two (2) votes. The Board of Directors shall have the power to allow voting by electronic means.


The membership of the Board of directors shall consist of those members as outlined in the By-Laws of the Association. There shall be elected from the membership of the association during annual meetings held in odd numbered years a president and vice-president who shall hold office for a term of two years, not to exceed three consecutive terms. At the time of the election, the president and vice-president must be currently holding an elected township office. The Board of Directors shall meet annually in December and at other special meetings as called by the president or any five members of the Board of Directors.


This constitution may be amended by a two-thirds affirmative vote of the members present at the annual meeting. By-Laws may be amended by a majority vote of members present at the annual meeting. Constitutional and By-Law Amendments shall be published in writing in the NDTOA official newsletter at least thirty (30) days prior to the annual meeting.




As amended December 4, 2023


The management of the business and affairs of the association when the association is not in session at its annual meeting shall be in the hands of the Board of Directors.


The Board of Directors shall have the power to fill any vacancy occurring on said board for any cause other than the expiration of their terms. Such vacancies filled shall only be until the next annual meeting.


The president shall preside at all meetings of the association, and at all meetings of the Board of Directors.


The secretary shall keep a record of all meetings of the association and of the Board of Directors and perform such duties as are usually performed by secretaries of such association.


The treasurer shall collect all funds and pay all expenses of the association. At each annual meeting the treasurer shall render a complete accounting of all funds. The treasurer shall not serve as a member of the Audit Committee.


The membership of the Board of Directors shall consist of the President, Vice President, immediate Past President, and six (6) members, each representing a separate district, but elected by the association. Directors must be elected township officers and members of the association as defined in Article III of the Constitution. District boundaries shall be determined from time to time by the association. The members elected to the Board of Directors shall serve for a term of two years, said terms staggered so that the odd-numbered district directors are elected in odd-numbered years, and the even-numbered district directors are elected in even-numbered years.


The Officers of the association, or anyone of them, may be removed from office by a two-thirds affirmative vote of the Board of Directors for cause. Should any officer be unable or unwilling to serve, the Board of Directors shall appoint a replacement.


The annual fee for membership in the association shall be $200.00 per year per township in counties with a county organization and $205.00 per year per township in counties without a county organization. All dues shall be paid by May 1 and if unpaid shall become delinquent on October 1. A township shall be ineligible to vote at the Annual Meeting of the Association if dues are not paid by October 31 or may be allowed to vote at the discretion of the Association President.


In the absence or inability of the president to serve, the vice-president shall perform all such duties as are usually performed by the president.


The Board of Directors may authorize payment of any bill out of the treasury of the association.


At the first meeting of the Board of Directors after the annual meeting, the Board of Directors shall annually appoint an Executive Director who shall also serve as Secretary of the association and a Treasurer who shall serve as Treasurer of the association.


Robert's Rules of Order shall govern all meetings of the Association and the Board of Directors.


No part of the net earnings of the Corporation shall inure to the benefit of any member, officer of the Corporation or any private individual (except that reasonable compensation may be paid for services rendered to or for the corporation affecting one or more of its purposes), and no member, officer of the Corporation, or any private individual shall be entitled to share in the distribution of any of the corporate assets on dissolution of the corporation.

In the event of the dissolution of this corporation, or in the event it shall cease to carry out the objects and purposes herein set forth, then and in that event all liabilities and obligations of the corporation shall be paid, satisfied, and discharged, or adequate provisions shall be made therefore. All the remaining business, property, and assets of the corporation shall go to and be distributed to such nonprofit charitable corporation, municipal corporation, or corporations, as may be selected by the board of directors of this corporation so that the business properties and assets of this corporation shall then be used for, and devoted to, carrying on township government purposes; it being the intent that in the event of the dissolution of this corporation, or upon its ceasing to carry out the objects and purposes herein set forth, that the property and assets then owned by the corporation shall be transferred to each respective County Auditor for distribution to member townships,

Notwithstanding any other provision of these articles the corporation shall not conduct or carry on any activities not permitted to be conducted or carried on by an organization exempt under Section 501 (c) (4) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1054 and its regulations as they now exist or as they may hereafter be amended.




As Amended December 5, 2023


  1. Preside at all Board of Director meetings.
  2. Be a member of the Budget Committee and will be an ex-officio member of all committees. Will attend all meetings of the Budget Committee and will attend all other committee meetings at the president's pleasure.
  3. Be the spokesperson for the state association and will assure that the image and prestige of the association will be at high level.
  4. Be responsible to the state association for the activities of the Executive Director and Treasurer and will assure that the Executive Director and Treasurer are performing their duties in a satisfactory manner.
  5. Authorize members of the association to attend meetings and other functions of interest to the association and authorize per diem and travel expense for same.
  6. Have access to the checkbook in the absence of the Treasurer.
  7. Acknowledge and accept invitations to attend county meetings or recommend a representative to attend on the president's behalf.
  8. Make appointments to committees, subject to approval by the Board of Directors.
  9. At all times act in a manner that will do credit to the state association.
  1. Preside at all meetings and perform all the functions of the President in the case of absence or inability of the President to serve.
  2. Be chairman of the Legislative Committee.
  3. Perform promotional duties on behalf of the state association's Board of Directors.
  4. At all times, act in a manner that will do credit to the state association.
  1. Be responsible to the state association for a complete, accurate, and up-to-date set of financial records.
  2. Collect yearly dues from townships throughout the state and keep all monies collected in any way by the state association.
  3. Write all checks for the state association, and when not able to do so, will allow the President access to the check book in order that he may issue checks.
  4. Close the state association's books and present them to the Auditing Committee on November 1st of each year.
  5. At all times act in a manner that will do credit to the state association.
  1. Manage the business affairs of the state association and will bring to the association that which needs association approval.
  2. Authorize the payment of bills, prepare the annual budget, and approve all other financial outlays of the state association, other than those amounts required to be approved by the association.
  3. Act on state legislation affecting townships in an emergency situation and will call on members of the state association to testify during state legislative sessions, in accordance with any resolutions the association may have previously adopted pertaining to the subject matter of said legislation.
  4. Appoint the Executive Director and Treasurer and establish the compensation for those positions.
  5. Meet in sessions at least two times a year.
  6. Select the time and place of the state association's annual meeting.
  7. Have the power to remove from office any elected or appointed officer if cause is shown for such action.
  8. Appoint the Director(s) of Intergovernmental Relations and establish the compensation for those positions.
  9. Appoint the NATaT representative, and alternate if the board feels an alternate position is needed, and establish compensation for those positions for time, travel, and other possible related expenses.
  10. At all times act in a manner that will bring credit to the state association.
  11. Attend Township meetings within their district if requested by a township and attend County Township Officers Association meetings within their district with normal compensation allowed for both township and county association meeting. Attendance and compensation for attending any such meetings outside of their district must be preapproved by Association President.
  1. Be directly responsible to the Board of Directors for the proper performance of the Executive Director's duties. The President will act as the Executive Director's immediate supervisor.
  2. Perform public relations work for the state association.
  3. Promote the state association by all means available and will assure the continuing high regard for the association whenever possible.
  4. Be responsible for editing, publishing and circulating the state association newsletter.
  5. Perform communication work for the President such as letter writing, etc.
  6. Write the proceedings for all meetings or any special meeting called by the President unless the President does not need the service of the Executive Director.
  7. Perform any duties that are directed by the President or the Board of Directors.
  8. Keep the Board of Directors informed of events which are pertinent to the state association.
  9. Work with the President and the Board of Directors on special projects such as workshops, etc.
  10. Keep all pertinent information regarding the state association and will present this information on request of any member of the Board of Directors.
  11. The Executive Director shall perform any and all duties as agreed upon in the Contract for employment for said position.
  12. Serve as secretary of the association.
  13. At all times act in a manner that will bring credit to the state association.
  1. Cause to be published the official newspaper of the North Dakota Township Officers Association.
  1. Monitor the legislative process and ensure that the action taken by the legislature that is pertinent to township government will have the proper attention of the state association and will be acted upon promptly and accordingly.
  2. Consist of two or more members of the Board of Directors and others as the President may appoint and will be chaired by the Vice President or an appointee of the President in the Vice President's absence or inability to serve.
  3. Select the Legislator of the Year and present that award.
  1. Prepare the annual budget prior to the state association's annual meeting. the budget will be subject to the approval of the association at its annual meeting.
  2. Consist of the President, Vice President, Treasurer, and at least one member of the Board of Directors.
  1. Research the Constitution and By-Laws of the state association and bring recommended changes to the attention of the Board of Directors in time to consider and meet publishing requirements for any proposed changes.
  2. Do continual research in the policy of the state association and bring recommended changes to the attention of the Board of Directors for consideration.
  1. Consist of the President and a member of the Board of Directors.
  2. Audit the financial records of the state association within thirty (30) days prior to the annual meeting.
  3. Prepare an auditing report and present it to the Board of Directors at the annual meeting of the association.
  4. The Committee may procure the services of a competent public accountant to carry out the above listed duties.
  1. Edit, accept, reject, condense, combine, and create resolutions to form an edited package for consideration by the voting delegates at the state convention.
  2. Ensure that all resolutions are in proper form and received in a timely manner.
  3. Ensure all resolutions presented state how it pertains or relates to township business or township government matters.
  1. Solicit candidates for election to various offices of the association.
  2. Report to the Board of Directors at least one day prior to the election the result of the candidate search.
  3. Consist of members of the Board of Directors whose terms are not expiring.
  1. Publish notice for nominations for the "Grassroots Leadership Award" and other awards that may be presented by the state association.
  2. Solicit, review, and judge nominations presented for consideration except for the Legislator of the Year Award.
  3. Select the recipient in all categories except for the Legislator of the Year.
  4. Select a recipient of the President’s Award each year.
  5. Present awards at an appropriate awards ceremony.
  6. Aid and provide assistance to both state and county organizations in soliciting nominees.
  1. Select dates, sites, and program content for regional educational workshops to be held in even numbered years.
  2. Determine registration fees which will defray all expenses of said workshops.
  1. Compile, edit, and cause to be published a handbook for the North Dakota Township Officers Association.
  2. Make updates available as necessary.
  1. Plan and organize all convention activities.
  2. Make all arrangements necessary to hold the convention in the Bismarck/Mandan area in even numbered years.
  3. Consult with and seek approval for convention content from the Board of Directors
  4. Consist of the Executive Director as chairman, the Treasurer, and the Director of the District in which the annual meeting is to be held.
  1. Meet at the direction of the president or as the need arises upon the call of the chair of said committee.
  2. Conduct business by meeting at an appointed place and time, by telephone conference, or by other electronic means.
  1. Consist of the President, Vice President, Immediate Past President, and two District Directors in rotation.
  2. Supervise the activities of the Executive Director, Treasurer, and any other appointed position or committee.
  3. Meet at the call of the President.
  4. Perform other duties as authorized by the Board of Directors.
  1. Be appointed by the President and shall follow the president's guidelines for the committee's purpose.
  1. Serve for a term of two years with a primary director appointed in odd-numbered years and alternate (if needed) appointed in even-numbered years.
  2. Attend NATaT meetings as directed or approved by the Board of Directors or President.
  3. Request that NATaT support, promote, and defend all policies that meet NATaT objectives that have been adopted by NDTOA.
  4. Report on activities of NATaT to Board of Directors and Association members.

