Annual Township Ledger Report - Help

NDTOA provides ATLR help to dues-paid member townships free of charge. Nonmembers will be charged for the cost of the help provided. Currently, the cost is $30 per hour, with a one-hour minimum charge. Time over one hour is billed in 15-minute increments.

If you have general questions or need assistance troubleshooting, please contact Julie Brandvold email: Phone: 701-758-2456 or Tim Geinert email: Phone: 701-320-6120


Are there updates to do monthly?

No, there has been very few updates since the software was developed. Updates all depend on the Microsoft and Computer updates.

How do I update my ATLR to the newest version

Do you have the ATLR Version 2.9?

What is the newest Version of ATLR?

ATLR Version 2.9 is the newest update.  This version corrects most issues.  Computer issues are commonly referred to as "bugs" in the computer world, meaning a flaw or error in a software program that causes unexpected behavior or crashes.  With the 2.9 update, this should help with the Microsoft 365, and Windows 10 and 11 as they continue to update their systems.

Should I update to the Version 2.9 prior to starting a new year?

If you update to Version 2.9 prior to starting a new year, you will update 2023 and also 2024.  So, I would "UPDATE FIRST" then "START A NEW" year.


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Clerk/Treasurers: Are You Using the Annual Township Ledger Report (ALTR) Software?

ATLR software is designed by Marty Visto to be used in place of the paper reports that are sent from your county auditor.

The software needs to be purchased by individual counties. Each county needs a designated support person. The cost of the software depends on how many townships are in each county.

For initial sales ONLY, please contact Marty at

I have so many questions, where do I find the answers?

Everything you need to know about ATLR is in the manual, you can either view it online or run a copy to make notes on.

Is the ATLR Software difficult to install?

 If you follow the manual closely, starting on page 22, it will walk you through the full process. Take your time and answer all questions to set the software up correctly.

Is there a manual that comes with the software?

Yes, the workbook, manual, and change log, come with each purchase.

My computer keeps locking up or is slow?

Make sure you do all the updates on your computer before opening the software. This will make the ATLR software run smoothly.

What is the cost to purchase the software?

Individual townships cannot purchase the software. Counties or County Associations can purchase ATLR software and either sell or give to each township.

Currently, the cost per county is based on $50 per organized township within the county.

My won't install. When I do it from the 2.3 under UPDATE is give me a notify not saying a 'run time error 76, Path not found'. When I try to open the 2.9 it I get a message 'Default Save Directory' is not specified!' 'Please enter a valid 'Default Save Directory' on the setup page. I have the 2.3 as well as the 2.9 saved on my computer.

Open the 2.9 first and when it asks to import from a file then click on your file you have been saving your files in.  Follow the rest of the directions and it should install smoothly.  

You can change your "Default Save Directory" anytime.  After you get 2.9 installed on the "Set Up" page, left side half way down, click the 3 dots and save.


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