2002 Convention

Dec 1,2,3 - Annual Convention - Bismarck 
Holiday Inn, 605 E Broadway AV.  A complete schedule of events and activities will be posted soon.  See you there! 

Policies adopted by NDTOA at Annual Convention Dec. 2002

  1. The NDTOA urges the ND Department of Transportation to adopt the signage section referring to 911 addressing signage utilizing existing signs set forth in the latest version of the Federal Manual on Traffic Safety Control Devices.
  2. The NDTOA is in opposition to the Waffle Plan and study for containing flood waters in sections bordered by township roads.
  3. The NDTOA  should work to cause legislation to be introduced to reduce the amount of forms required to report to the county auditor the change of persons in township offices from three pages of duplicating information to one page.
  4. NDTOA should work to cause legislation to be introduced that would allow the tonwship general mill levy to be increased from the current 18 mill limit to 30 mills.
  5. NDTOA should support legislation to limit the liability of county and township officials for any actions taken while holding public office for non-injury lawsuits.
  6. NDTOA should support legislation to provide that a portion of funds derived from the state-wide lottery in North Dakota be applied to the state equalization fund to reduce the current levy (32 mills).
  7. NDTOA encourage farmers and farm organizations to attendf and participate in equalization meetings at the local, county and state level.  That farm organizations notify their members of the time and place of such meetings and of the possibility of real estate being raised at such meetings.  
  8. Failed
  9. NDTOA should oppose the consolidation of mill levies for counties and preserve highway funds and agriculturally related expenditures from diversion to other county uses.
  10. NDTOA should work to support federal legislation that addresses land purchases by non tax paying entities requiring them to pay taxes at least by the process of in-lieu of tax procedure.
  11. NDTOA opposes the diversion of a portion of the gas tax for roads to the Forest Service when they are proposing closing section lines in their jurisdiction.
  12. NDTOA should cause to be introduced legislation to address the safety and emergency sevice concerns regarding shuttle unit trains.
  13. NDTOA should cause to be introduced legislation addressing township zoning concerns on wind energy towers and cell towers, address some form of bond or security agreement concerning the abandonment of these towers and liability concerns of landowners.
  14. NDTOA should work to help township clerks with workmen's compensation forms.  Townships should be exempted from the extreme penalties as found in chapter 65-04 of the NDCC.
  15. NDTOA should work to change the filing date of the Workmen's Compensation forms to April 15th to allow enough time after the annual meeting to get the forms filled out.
  16. NDTOA should support the implementation of the Grand Forks County Flood Hazard Mitigation Plan.
  17. NDTOA should support the rural electric co-ops in their fight over territorial integrity.
  18. Failed
  19. NDTOA should work to secure the revenue from state overweight permit violations should be shared with counties and townships.