North Dakota Township Officers Handbook

Because the North Dakota Insurance Reserve Fund pays for the printing of the NDTOA Township Officers Handbook updates, they will be distributed free of charge to member townships at the workshops each February of even-numbered years. The updates may be shipped to you for a $5 shipping cost per update; please use this form and pay the required number of shipping charges.

The complete handbook with the official NDTOA green binder is available here to members for $10 and non-members for $30, plus shipping.

Order Form

Due to ridiculously high fees, we are no longer accepting credit cards. Please mail your check to:

Barb Knutson; 2600-236th St NE; McKenzie ND 58572

Members: $10 per handbook

Non-members: $30 per handbook

Shipping: $5 per handbook

Handbook Subtotal: $0.00
Shipping Subtotal: $0.00
Grand Total: $0.00