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Flexible Transportation Fund Update

From: Henke, Ronald J. <>
Sent: Friday, January 26, 2024
Subject: Flexible Transportation Fund Update

The Flexible Transportation Fund (Flex Fund) was established by the 68th Legislative Assembly to complement the Federal Aid Highway Program and further support an interconnected transportation system. The allocated $222.5 million in Flex Funds will be used to improve the transportation infrastructure on and off the state highway system and to match local funds and federal discretionary grant funds that may become available.

Applications were due December 31, and the original guidance can be found here. Like the Township Assistance Program, the Flex Fund application period was a success. In total, 259 applications were received, totaling $765 million, with $432.5 million of those dollars being requested from the Flex Fund. The remaining dollars would be covered by local or private. 171 of the 259 applications totaling $206 million in Flexible Transportation Fund requests are for the $43 million Flex Fund set aside by the legislature designated for non-oil-producing townships/counties.

The applications included broad representation from across the state. Attached you’ll find a map highlighting the areas across North Dakota that submitted an application. Next up, the committee has begun the process of scoring all 259 applications and is planning on letting applicants know the results before the spring.

The powerful impact of the Flexible Transportation Fund is only possible due to the work of the 68th Legislative Assembly, and we thank the legislature for partnering with us to support and advance North Dakota’s interconnected transportation system.

Ron Henke, PE


